Introducing Connor Knox
Dearest Stitching Friends, Hello!
Apologies for my long absence ... who knew this mothering business was so time-consuming?
Here are some pictures of our wee lad. He was 7 weeks old yesterday. He is the delight of my heart, an amazing gift from God. He arrived exactly on his due date (which happens to be Mary Kathryn's birthday) of 1/31. I was in labor for about 14 hours, only about 10 of which was active. We delivered in a birth center with a midwife and I had no epidural or pain meds; I was very happy with this decision and would do it again. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, but of course, oh so worth it.
Connor is active, alert, curious and melts my heart with the little coos and gurgles and smiles he has been making lately.

I only have a week and a half left of maternity leave. :( Then I go back to work part time and my husband will be with him when I am not. I have had very little time to stitch -- how do you mothers of young children do it? When he is asleep, I mostly catch up on housework or nap myself. I am sure that eventually we'll find a rhythm and I will get back to more stitching -- I do miss it!
I will try to return soon with some stitching updates -- what little I have been able to do.
Meanwhile, I'll be busy over here being a mommy. :)
Apologies for my long absence ... who knew this mothering business was so time-consuming?
Here are some pictures of our wee lad. He was 7 weeks old yesterday. He is the delight of my heart, an amazing gift from God. He arrived exactly on his due date (which happens to be Mary Kathryn's birthday) of 1/31. I was in labor for about 14 hours, only about 10 of which was active. We delivered in a birth center with a midwife and I had no epidural or pain meds; I was very happy with this decision and would do it again. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, but of course, oh so worth it.
Connor is active, alert, curious and melts my heart with the little coos and gurgles and smiles he has been making lately.
I will try to return soon with some stitching updates -- what little I have been able to do.
Meanwhile, I'll be busy over here being a mommy. :)
As far as the stitching - I took the better part of 5 years off. I had my first two boys 18 1/2 months apart and the third one not quite three years after the second.
I missed it too, but never fear, it will be waiting for you!
And although he'll grow and his needs will change, it never gets easier...just different and instead of changing diapers and midnight feedings, your waiting in parking lots, waiting on bleachers, waiting in waiting rooms, rubbing his tummy when it aches, fretting about his friends, doing laundry, and more laundry and then worrying if your doing everything right. :)
And no matter all the worry and hand wringing (and both will happen) it is worth every minute!
He's so handsome.
I don't know how others do it. I can't stitch when watching my precious granddaughter. Just spend every minute you can on him and on yourself, it will get easier.
We sometimes forget to take of ourselves.
btw, my daughter recently gave birth to her third little boy, whom she named Knox!
Make sure you nap when you need to. That is much more important.
God Bless!!
Your nursery is so inviting and lovely!
As far as stitching with young kids (I learned to stitch when my twins were 6 months old), I always kept the needle threaded & ready to go. Sometimes I'd keep my stitching up high, so small fingers couldn't touch, and would stitch a row or two when I could--if it was out on the top of the sofa or cabinet, I could grab it and do that. Between diapers and laundry and cooking and cleaning, I found it was the one thing that remained 'done'--unless I had to frog, of course. ;) Anyway, just my tips... but you will find your rhythm. Enjoy every second!
Hugs, Deb
Best regards of FRANCE
Best regards of France
but I didn't keep up on it and it's been sitting dormant for quite a while now (and I didn't stitch enough either!) But anyway, I just wanted to get in touch again to say congratulations on your baby boy! He is gorgeous! I am expecting my first child next month so am very excited and have started a new blog that I am planning to update a lot more often, so feel free to stop by and visit :o) Jennifer
I am just now replying to the lovely message you left on my blog back in June! Thanks so much for getting in touch, it was so nice to hear from you! My email address is visible on my blog now (sorry it wasn't on there before!) I couldn't see an email address on your blog so will just send you another message this way.
My little girl will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! The time has gone so quickly, and yet I really feel like I've been savoring each and every day and soaking in all the wonderful moments with her - the newborn stage is so precious! She is growing so fast, it is amazing to watch. She is just beginning to smile at us now!
Hope things are continuing to go well for you as well. I am the same, I hardly find time anymore for stitching (or anything else, for that matter!) but like you, I am so happy being a Mommy :o)
God bless! Jennifer